My name is Luis Peres. Hi!
I´m a professional illustrator from Portugal ( ), and I was part of the team that created the first Portuguese professional PC game ( "Gambys" ) between 1992 and 95 along with the same programmers that back in the 80s had done "Alien Evolution" and "Kraal" for the ZX Spectrum.
I illustrate children´s books and board games, do cover artwork, and also do some concept art for different projects worldwide. I´ve been at it professionally since I started at 22, in 1992. I also have my projects; I still want to complete my "Gambys Children´s Book,” but I have a ton of other stuff like my ( "Once Upon a Time on Mars" saga - a graphic novel ( awaiting a remake )), a Wizard of Oz project and a sci-fi project but time is scarce; and my own recurrent Face On Mars book/Site project of decades now.
Also, there´s my forgotten movie review page "Universos Esquecidos" ( Forgotten Universes )... and the oriental movies blog "Cinemasiatico" ( mostly on hold), so you can say I´ve been busy… I´ve been in and out of video games throughout the years.
When I was a kid in the 80s, I loved ZX Spectrum ( and as you will see here, I still do ), then I lost interest in video games when Atari and Amiga came out.
I was not into those at all.
But ZX Spectrum I loved! Text/Adventure games like "The Hobbit" and "The Neverending Story" in particular made me spend countless hours trying to solve them, and I was really into "Starstrike 3D" and "Starstrike 3D II" back then.
Recently, I got back to ZX Spectrum games because of GAC.
The Graphic Adventure Creator from Incentive software was my all-time favorite thing in the 80s, and I wrote several adventure games that got lost.
But I recovered a couple of my old GAC games ( "Space 1999" and "Shattered World" ) recently thanks to a friend connected to the ZX Spectrum world, and suddenly, I noticed how the ZX spectrum is once again alive.
So, as I got back to creating adventure games in Gac, I created this account to share everything I´ll be creating. This is the trailer for my recent adventure game "A Terrific Weekend Adventure".
If you enjoy old-style text/graphics adventures on the ZX, you might enjoy my little spot here now.
ps: if you can understand Portuguese, check out my interview on this podcast:
Spanish comments on my GAC games can also be found here at ( 2:41:30 ) minutes in:
And here at ( 37:39 ) minutes in :